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CTX Week 5 & 6- Lesson, Assignment 2 brief, and Storyboard Review

Updated: Dec 11, 2018

Hello! Today's class started off with two theories, about semiosis, what's signified and what's not signified, what are denotation and connotation and how they are used in contexts. Later on, Mr. Charles briefly explained to us about our second assignment which is a video project! We have to bring the research findings from our first assignment and reenact them in a video in animation or a documentary.

Also, Remember when I posted that my group and I needed to rework our theory and presentation? Well, we met at the cafe on the ground level and discussed our work on the 1st of October, Monday. Our initial theory had no interpretation of what we actually thought, which was why it wasn't "developed" since we only stated that it was about the genocide of the jewish people in World War II and how the majority group creates false myths about the minority group. We wanted to go something similar to the whole World War II interpretation so Khiirtana suggested a movie called "12 years A Slave", which is about a black man getting tricked into slavery. Unfortunately, we didn't get to wrap around it as we couldn't think any further. So we decided to go with a scenario in a beauty pageant. Khiirtana had written the script for it: "Bella loses beauty pageants countless of times. She is upset. And angry. Her anger manifests itself into making her cheat in her current pageant to win. Bella uses black magic to win beauty pageants. The other girls start to wonder why they keep on loosing. One of the girls finds out as she saw some black dust from her palm. She confronts her, after denials, Bella seals her via dark magic. they find out that bell uses black magic and they confront her about it. Bella then wants to leave the pageant but her parents don't let her leave the competition. So she goes back and the other girls get mad and lock her in a room. when the pageant goes on Bella’s parents start to wonder where she is and insist the girls tell them where Bella is. The girls then say that this is not a world for escapists. Which means that even though she was angry losing her pageants, what she did was unacceptable."

We finally improved our marks by 3 marks! That makes it 7/10! :-)

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