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Assignment 3: Mark Makings

My third assignment was mark making. This assignment required us to explore fifty various lines of mark makings using different tools and any sort of medium as long as they are in black. After exploring the lines, we needed to experiment different ways of applying the mark making using different tools onto three pieces, which each piece is divided into two parts of it. Finally, the outcome was to make a triptych piece based on the emotion of the chosen text, article, media, poetry or a certain topic that we wanted to convey onto the outcome. 


I chose a song cover titled "Silent Majority" by feb. The song depicts a wolf who's lonely and seems misunderstood while the red riding hood shows an understanding of the wolf and wants to be by her side. The song itself is inspiring and the emotion that it gave me was solace. In the video, the red riding hood is hugging the lonely wolf to show that the wolf is in need of someone to be by her side.  This scene of the video gave me an idea of representing the emotion into my piece. 

example given by mr. choy

Mark Makings

I used a variety of tools such as 0.4 and 0.6 ink pigment pens, a spoon, a paint brush and a rubber band. For the medium I only used a black acrylic as required for the assignment. 


For the first part, I used a paintbrush and painted with some water for the nose. As for the "T", I used the spoon to make the the symbol while I covered the background with light background, and used a tissue to make the splashes.

I used a dry tissue and dipped the acrylic and smudged it on the first part. Secondly, I used a black oil pastel.

For the last experimentation, I applied some of the tools from the previous experiments into the piece. I outlined the countries with oil pastel, I filled the colours in with wet paintbrush, I covered the background with a dry paintbrush, and last but not least, I made the space cloud effects with dipped white acrylic paint tissue.


I really like this piece a lot. It was my first time making a triptych piece. In the final outcome, I wanted to show someone being consoled during their hard time to represent the emotion "solace" which is shown through the woman with a calm facial expression hugging another person composed of splashed particles. They are also surrounded by the black splashed tones in the background to represent that "dark" period of time. In addition, the wavy hair may also make the viewer feel more calm while looking at it.


Blind contour drawings.

Marbling ink prints.


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