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Toy Design

Creative Thinking Skills class was an interesting class. Our lecturers were Mr. Charles, Ms. Fu and Mr. Choy (our 2D lecturer). We learned about the zig zag theory as our first introduction. On the second week of our first semester, we were given with our first assignment and that was to design a functional toy! The aim of the assignment was to make a marvel or a popular eighty's pop stars themed functional toy with one selected type of toy based on the four options that were given; a spinning toy, a glider, a wheeled race car, or a projectile toy. Some of the requirements needed us to be in a group of five people to work on it together, use only recycling materials and include our writing and sketches into our idea journals as a part of the process.  

I got into a group with Jon, Jim, Melvin and Daryl. Our first idea was to make a Cyborg (Teen Titans) themed car. But we figured that we can't buy motors and some parts of an engine to make it work so we changed it to a Raven (Teen Titans) themed projectile toy. 


These were the moments when the projectile... broke! So... we had to do replace it with something better. :/

Finished Outcome

After fixing the broken trigger, we replaced with a new idea of a trigger. Here are the final outcomes.

This assignment was very tedious! It was not only time consuming but it was also complicated to build. While the previous trigger broke, the next trigger that we built didn't make the toy any better. It broke again during the presentation and unfortunately  the functionality lacked lesser than it did before. However, the lecturers did like our design. We also put time and effort on it. At least that pulled off. :D

Here are some idea journals that we did as a part of the requirement and a record of our product development!

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